Jackpotts Bingo

Bingo Lingo:

Here is a list of the bingo calls you’ll find in JackPott’s Bingo venues. While you might be unfamiliar with one or two, there’s a nice blend of traditional terms and Irish terms!

  1. Kelly’s Eye

  2. One Little Duck

  3. Cup of Tea

  4. Knock at the Door

  5. Man Alive

  1. Lucky Seven

  2. Garden Gate

  3. Doctor’s Orders

  1. Legs Eleven

  2. Unlucky for Some

  3. Valentine’s Day

  1. Sweet Sixteen

  2. Dancing Queen

  3. Coming of Age

  4. Goodbye Teens

  1. Key of the Door

  2. Two Little Ducks

  1. Two Dozen

  2. Duck and Dive

  3. Pick and Mix

  4. Gateway to Heaven

  1. Rise and Shine

  2. Dirty Gertie

  3. Get Up and Run

  4. Buckle My Shoe

  5. Dirty Knee

  6. Ask for More

  7. Jump and Jive

  1. More Than Eleven

  1. Time for Fun

  2. Winnie the Pooh

  1. Droopy Drawers

  2. Halfway There

  3. Up to Tricks

  4. Four and Seven

  1. Half a Century

  1. Stuck in the Tree

  2. Clean the Floor

  3. Snakes Alive

  1. Heinz Varieties

  2. Make Them Wait

  1. Bakers Bun

  2. Turn the Screw

  1. Old Age Pension

  2. Clickety-Click

  3. Made in Heaven

  4. Saving Grace

  5. Either Way Up

  6. Bang on the Drum

  7. Queen Bee

  8. Hit the Floor

  9. Strive and Strive

  10. Sunset Strip

  11. Heavens Gate

  12. One More Time

  13. Stop and Run

  14. Straight on Through

  15. Time for Tea

  16. Seven Dozen

  17. Staying Alive

  18. Between the Sticks

  19. Two Fat Ladies

  20. Nearly There

  21. Top of the Shop